Medicinal Chemistry - Knowledge flow

Medicinal Chemistry

By Knowledge flow

  • Release Date: 2016-01-11
  • Genre: Chemistry

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★★★★★LEARNING STARTS WITH VIEWING THE WORLD DIFFERENTLY.★★★★★ Knowledge flow — A mobile learning platform provides Apps and Books. Knowledge flow provides learning book of Medicinal Chemistry. This book is for all medical and science students, teachers and professionals across the world. Medicinal Chemistry is the study of pharmacoanalysis and chemical analysis of compounds. Learn basic concepts of medicinal chemistry with efficient way. Contents: Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, Receptor, Physicochemical Parameters, Drug Metabolism, Prodrugs, General Anaesthetics, Local Anaesthetics, Sedative and Hypnotics, Central Nervous System, Antihistamines, Antihistamines II. To find more education books, visit here