God-breated Scripture - Arthur W. Pink, Louis Gaussen, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Thomas Boston, Charles Hodge, Benjamin B. Warfield, Wilhelmus à Brakel, Octavius Winslow, John Murray & Charles H. Spurgeon

God-breated Scripture

By Arthur W. Pink, Louis Gaussen, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Thomas Boston, Charles Hodge, Benjamin B. Warfield, Wilhelmus à Brakel, Octavius Winslow, John Murray & Charles H. Spurgeon

  • Release Date: 2017-03-03
  • Genre: Religion & Spirituality

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Charles Spurgeon said of the Scriptures, “This volume is the writing of the living God: each letter was penned with an Almighty finger; each word in it dropped from the everlasting lips, each sentence was dictated by the Holy Spirit.” This was once the bedrock doctrine of biblical Christianity. It lay at the heart of the Protestant Reformation, which many are remembering this year. That extraordinary event was not merely about the correct view of justification, the true worship of God, or the reformation of marriage and family. Underlying all this was the most important question for all people at all times to answer: “What is our final authority?” Without an authoritative revelation from God, we have no object for our faith. The inspired, infallible Word of God is our final authority for all of life. As stated in the Second London Baptist Confession of 1689, “The Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain, and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedience” (1.1).

Unfortunately, few professing Christians believe this anymore. So, with this thought, we present the first FGB of 2017: God-breathed Scripture. Arthur W. Pink introduces this vital subject with thoughts on the impregnable rock of Scripture and its divine inspiration. Louis Gaussen then helps us understand what “inspiration” really means. In a day when poets and musicians are considered to offer “inspired” performances, we need a clear grasp of this mysterious act of God. What then is verbal inspiration? David Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains this important doctrine, which many professing Christians have abandoned. Thomas Boston then gives a concise description of the contents of the canon of Scripture and tells us how the Apocrypha relates to it. Charles Hodge gives insight into the infallibility and authority of God’s words, while Benjamin B. Warfield reveals that Jesus believed and taught that the Scriptures were God-breathed and authoritative. And then a question: which has ultimate authority—a religious organization or Scripture? Wilhelmus à Brakel answers this, and lists divine characteristics that prove the Bible authoritative. Octavius Winslow agrees that creation reveals the existence of God, but only the Bible tells us how God saves through the person and work of Jesus Christ. In a second article, Thomas Boston acknowledges that Scripture is not always easy to understand, yet everything sinners need to know for the salvation of their eternal souls is clear. Though the Bible gives abundant evidence of its divine origin, why does anyone truly believe it is God’s Word? John Murray answers, “The witness of the Holy Spirit in the human heart.” Finally, Charles Spurgeon reaffirms that, in Scripture, God speaks; and for that very reason, we should give our earnest attention to every word of it.

As we begin this new year, our hearts’ desire is to encourage you to love, believe, obey, and commune with the Living God through His inspired Word. Study it for yourself, teach it to your children, preach it to the lost, and send it around the world!