How to Make a Book (about My Dog) - Chris Barton & Sarah Horne

How to Make a Book (about My Dog)

By Chris Barton & Sarah Horne

  • Release Date: 2021-10-05
  • Genre: General Nonfiction for Kids

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How do you make a picture book? Well, you need an author, an illustrator, and . . . a dog?! 
Acclaimed author Chris Barton and his trusty pooch Ernie show readers how to make a nonfiction picture book . . . about Ernie! From coming up with ideas, researching, and writing a first draft to finding the perfect illustrator, deciding what goes on the cover, and getting every last wrod—er, word just right, you'll see how a book is made from beginning to end.
From acquisitions and editing to graphic design and dog treats, find out what's required to bring a book to life. This title perfectly blends how-to and humor for an informative look at book publishing. And look, this is part of the marketing step!