Cynthia Clayton FBI Special Agent: Trilogy - Richard Porter

Cynthia Clayton FBI Special Agent: Trilogy

By Richard Porter

  • Release Date: 2013-09-18
  • Genre: Horror

Available here:

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Late Friday afternoon I was getting ready to pack up and leave for a sweet easy weekend of relaxing. As I sat back and stretched, the phone rang. Who in the hell is calling me now this late in the day. Before check out time, I picked up the phone and answer "Agent Cynthia Clayton FBI Service." The voice on the phone said.
"Get your butt into the director's office he wants you to report to him before you leave today."

What is this dumb luck? I grab my purse walked over to the director's office. I knocked on the door, the director said "you may come in Clayton". I was looking at 6 feet 4 and 250 pounds of muscle, the director had to be at least 60 years old. On first glance, you would think he was a heavyweight boxer in his late twenties.

"I have some good news for you Clayton." Good news in this business means crime. With me being the first black female FBI agent with the special unit.

I asked the director is it a project outside of my normal office duties?

"Cynthia I have been going over your records. I understand you have been at the top of your class during most of our rigorous training. You were the Valerie Victorian at St. Louis U. Today is a good day, for you Agent Cynthia. There are a handful of murders taken place in ill. We are facing a damn serial killer in Chicago Heights ill. I have handpicked you to investigate these murders. And I want you to clean it up in couple weeks."

Wow, my heart started jumping, a special project and a serial killer too. I took a deep breath and smiled at the director. “Yes of course director I'll be happy to handle this assignment.” He reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a large folder.

"I want you to go over this material and make sure you understand everything completely about this case. Monday morning you will be on your way to Chicago Heights."

I did not hear the rest of what he was saying. I started daydreaming about going to Chicago. Cynthia Clayton, FBI Special Agent. A serial killer and I have to kick his butt. Bring him to justice. All of a sudden said.
“Director you mean I'm not going to be in the clubs on rush street. I will not be shopping on Michigan Avenue. I won't able to see Wrigley field and sing take me out to the ball game?”
"The murders have been taking place in a cornfield in Chicago Heights. Not the city of Chicago Cynthia.
Yea chief my dumb luck