Brave New Now - Liam Young, Warren Ellis, Tim Maughan, Jonathan Dotse, Bruce Sterling, Rachel Armstrong, Samit Basu, Anil Menon, Hoving Alahaidyan, Daniel Dociu, Michael Wolf, Greg Girard, Neil Chowdhury, Vicent Fournier, Thomas Weinberger, Charlie Koolhaas, Greg White, Daniel Beltra, Victoria Sambunaris, Christina Seely, Brice Richard & Bas Princen

Brave New Now

By Liam Young, Warren Ellis, Tim Maughan, Jonathan Dotse, Bruce Sterling, Rachel Armstrong, Samit Basu, Anil Menon, Hoving Alahaidyan, Daniel Dociu, Michael Wolf, Greg Girard, Neil Chowdhury, Vicent Fournier, Thomas Weinberger, Charlie Koolhaas, Greg White, Daniel Beltra, Victoria Sambunaris, Christina Seely, Brice Richard & Bas Princen

  • Release Date: 2014-05-23
  • Genre: Art & Architecture

Available here:

Link #1 Link #2


Brave New Now is a collection of specially commissioned short stories set in a fictional future city developed by speculative architect Liam Young for the 2013 Lisbon Architecture Triennale. Authors have been invited to inhabit the city, to breathe life into its characters and cultures and give form to its streets and spaces through narrative. It is a speculative urbanism, an exaggerated present, in which we can imagine the wonders and possibilities of emerging biological and technological research.  The support of The British Council has enabled a discounted distribution price of Brave New Now ebook from Lisbon Architecture Triennale - Close, Closer ebook series.