Cuba on 2 Wheels - Dave Thomas

Cuba on 2 Wheels

By Dave Thomas

  • Release Date: 2024-11-26
  • Genre: Travel in Latin America

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The stories contained herein are one man's adventure to see and understand a part of the world that is so much a part of the times he has lived in, from his youth to the present day. The chance to live inside a revolution; to probe its limits of trust and its accommodation to a curious foreigner. This is for those who ride motorcycles, living the dream of embarking on an adventure, riding in a mysterious, beautiful land with never-ending winding and challenging mountain roads while the best in Cuba's culture and history unfold before your eyes. Each page reveals a new adventure to enjoy as you and the author learn about life in Cuba, its successes and its limitations (Aug. 1997 to Aug. 98 & Sept. 2002 to Apr. 03), and the times known as the "Special Period," caused by the collapse of Cuba's eastern trading bloc plus the opportunistic intensification of the US economic blockade.