Logic Pro X - The Details - Edgar Rothermich

Logic Pro X - The Details

By Edgar Rothermich

  • Release Date: 2015-09-14
  • Genre: Digital Media
5 Score: 5 (From 24 Ratings)

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Logic Pro X - The Details "  is the follow-up book of "Logic Pro X - How It Works".
It explains all the remaining features in Logic Pro X with the same style by using rich illustrations and diagrams that are not found in any other manual. This is the first time that even beginners and intermediate Logic users can explore the more advanced features in Logic due to that easy to understand, visual approach of this manual.

The Logic books in the "Graphically Enhanced Manuals (GEM)" series are the only ones available as interactive multi-touch eBooks. On 1527 pages, the author explains the app in great detail with additional background information that is often required to fully understand specific features. 
Many of the information regarding the functionality of Logic Pro X is found neither in the official documentation nor anywhere else. Logic Pro X is a very deep and sometimes complex application that users (beginners and pros alike) often struggle with. This is where the unique approach of the Graphically Enhanced Manuals series comes in. No matter how complex or complicated the subject is, the author provides easy to understand graphics and diagrams that let the reader understand and master the material.
This interactive multi-touch eBook includes a 600 term Glossary that is linked throughout the content of the book.

Table of Contents:

1 - Introduction
2 - Workflow: The most important and most underrated topic when using Logic is how to use it efficiently. 
That's why I start the book with that chapter. 
3 - Advanced Editing: To really become a Logic "Pro-user", you need all the available editing tools on your Logic tool belt. 
4 - Flex Introduction: Finally, Audio Regions have the same freedom when it comes to editing as their MIDI Region counterparts. 
5 - Flex Time: No time restrictions for Audio Regions anymore. No matter what tempo an audio file was recorded in, you can change it and even quantize it. 
6 - Flex Pitch: If you ever wanted to change the pitch information in Audio Regions but couldn't afford the Melodyne app or couldn't (under-)stand it, then Logic has the easiest to use tool for you. 
7 - Browsers: The three Browsers in Logic don't get the same respect from their users. Either they frown upon Apple Loops or don't know what to do with the Media Browser in the first - now you will. 
8 - Audio File Management: The problem with having a lot of stuff is how to manage that stuff. This is also true for all the Logic related files. You better learn how to manage them before you start to lose them. 
9 - Advanced Audio: There is much more to Audio in Logic that meets the eyes. I dive into all those pro features Logic has to offer to show you what is going on under the hood. 
10 - Advanced MIDI: You can also advance your knowledge about the MIDI features in Logic, in addition to its audio features. 
11 - Automation: Automation is such big topic, I had to split it into two chapters. The first part covers Track Automation, the main automation mode that gets you started. 
12 - Automation (advanced): There is Track Automation, Region Automation, MIDI Draw, Trim Mode, Absolute Mode, Relative Mode, to name just a few. Ready to become an expert on all of that? 
13 - Music Notation: There are applications just for music notation. With Logic, that is included. No matter if you want to print out a single melody or an entire orchestral score - you can do it. 
14 - Tempo & Time: Tempo and Time seems to be easy topics on the outside. But be warned, this chapter goes deep, where no other manual has gone before. 
15 - Working to Picture: Logic is the best and most popular DAW when it comes to scoring to picture. Learn all the stuff you need to know - to do exactly that. 
16 - Synchronization: If you made it through the Tempo & Time chapter, then this one is the right chapter for you with lots of information beyond Logic. 
17 - The Environment: The scariest place in Logic, sending shivers down the spine of most Logic users - unless you know your way around ... then all of a sudden it becomes the most powerful place in Logic. 
18 - Surround Sound: If two speakers are not enough to do your Project good, then it's time to move up to the world of Surround Sound. 
19 - Control Surfaces: Logic will also surrender to outside powers. Learn how to use and setup those devices, no matter if it is just a single Mod Wheel or a fully equipped Control Surface. 
19 - Gobbler and Connect: This is not a new cop show on CBS. Starting with version 10.2, Logic has integrated support for Gobbler and Apple Music Connect, two services that let you collaborate with other Logic users and share your work with others.

This is the 10th book in the bestselling series "Graphically Enhanced Manuals". Readers love this unique way of leaning applications no matter how easy or complicated the app might be. Here are some responses from satisfied customers:

"I wish all the manuals on software were like yours!" - Giovanni C.
"You have the gift of making difficult concepts understandable" - William B.
"Your style is the most informative and clear I have ever seen" - Mark D.
"Great stuff Edgar! I bought your other Logic GEM books and love em..." - freeform
"Thank you so much for your fantastic guides; I've learned so much!" - Brandon B.
"I love your manuals."  - Eli. 


That is the motto of the book series "Graphically Enhanced Manuals" (GEM). They're a new type of manual with a visual approach that helps you UNDERSTAND a program, not just LEARN it. No need to read through 500 pages of dry text explanations. Rich graphics and diagrams help you to get that "aha" effect and make it easy to comprehend difficult concepts. The Graphically Enhanced Manuals help you master a program much faster with a much deeper understanding of concepts, features and workflows in a very intuitive way that is easy to understand